Our Story
"Lay Low Taichung" 是位於台中綠園道旁的一間新生態 Social Club,空間由一群不同創作領域的台中人操刀改造。我們在這裡取材自台灣的地道美食,透過解構與重組的過程,以西式料理的烹調技巧和美學呈現,重新詮釋了這些傳統小吃。這些創新的 "Taiwanese Soul Food" 配合精心調製的Taptail雞尾酒,都與這座城市的日常與歷史互相輝映。
"Lay Low" 的調酒團隊以 "Just to be Clear" 為核心概念,運用獨特的澄清技法,將深藏在記憶中的熟悉味道,結合季節性的食材,重新提煉成具有獨特魅力的雞尾酒。每一滴的香氣與味道都與生活中的的細微感受緊密相連,讓來Lay Low 的各位能感受到回憶與現實的交織。
我們希望能提供一個不只是品嚐在地美食, 聽聽Live DJ表演與喝有趣調酒的空間,更是讓有緣者能找到屬於自己「做夢、幹活,悠然過日子的好地方」。
Let’s Lay Low!
Born from the boundless passion of a group of devoted Taichung natives from all walks of life, our mission is to cultivate a thriving community for creatives - a haven where their talents can truly flourish and a hideout for everyone to be themselves.
Here, we have meticulously crafted an environment that effortlessly adapts to the diverse needs of our vibrant community in Taichung. Whether you seek a productive retreat or a place to unwind and connect with like-minded souls, or immerse yourself in the captivating sounds of live musical performances that frequent our stage, Lay Low is where it all comes together.
XOXO - Lay Low